Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The Newest News for Today
The new material is available for you. This is all what you expect to come!
Validity and Reliability for Discrete Score click on here

Material to take for Statistics

The Newest News for Today
For all students taking statistics, please download the material. The material is about validity and reliability of test items for discrete score. Recheck again the file in each group and do the work based on the given model attached. For individual task, do the assignment that is available in winrar as file attachment. Then, the result of the group work and those works from individual assignments within that group must be bundled into single book. Therefore the bundle will include the group work and individual work within each group. Good Luck! 

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Seminar Guidance

For those taking seminar program with Mr. Chen and Mrs. Lina, please send your three titles (no matter whether your titles have been approved or not; this is also a matter of check). Type  them (the three titles of all students) in microsoft Word and make sure that will be only in a single file. send the file to Mr. Chen email to chen79unpkediri@gmail.com. you will have to be informed whether your titles are approved or disapproved when you get the reply of email from Mr. Chen with the statement of approval or statement of disapproval completed with the signature beneath. Please respond this as soon as possible. Thank in advance

Mr. Chen